I've always hated having to write these about me sections, why did I even create a page for this? I brought this upon myself and her I am complaining. Well I guess it would be rude to not introduce myself wouldn't it. I'm not too sure what to say here so lets just begin with the basics. So my name is Arianna and I'm currently a college student who rather write about nail polish, lipsticks, and lotion instead of those glorious research papers I get assigned. I'm turned 21 on November 16, Hallelujah! On the very frequent occasion when I am putting off studying for an exam or avoiding all other school related business, I distract myself by watching youtube videos and reading blogs. I guess writing is something that I've always enjoyed so it was kind of one of those 'why not' moments that prompted me to create a blog. After sporadically writing on another blog for a couple of years,  I decided that a fresh start was in order. So here I am! The name Life Style I Make Up came to me one night while laying in bed contemplating the meaning of life, as we do. Anyway, lets enjoy some good wholesome materialistic talk. Shall we?

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