So I'll cut right to the chase and then blab on afterwards. So since it's a bit hard for me to get the color descriptions spot on with these types of colors, I'll just let Butter London do the talking! They describe this as "a tarnished, metallic olive gold lacquer, as mysterious and regal as its namesake" Not sure who this namesake is that they speak of but regardless, as most BL polishes are, this one is easy to apply and two coats is all you need to get full opacity.
Now when this first appeared in Butter London's A/W collection last year, it did intrigue me but I ultimately decided that it was kinda ugly, so I passed it up. The other day I was strolling around in ULTA and stopped at the display, spotted this and went on my way to check out. Surely my color preferences have changed since last year because I now think this color is stunning!
Now when this first appeared in Butter London's A/W collection last year, it did intrigue me but I ultimately decided that it was kinda ugly, so I passed it up. The other day I was strolling around in ULTA and stopped at the display, spotted this and went on my way to check out. Surely my color preferences have changed since last year because I now think this color is stunning!